[OS X Emacs] aquamacs startup problem

Arthur Ogus ogus at math.berkeley.edu
Tue Mar 24 13:28:03 EDT 2015

I have the same issue if I try to lunch from the finder by clicking the application icon.

> On Mar 24, 2015, at 10:08 AM, Peter Frings <peter.frings at agfa.com> wrote:
> Good evening all,
> Same thing here, with Emacs for OSX 24.4, OSX 10.9.5, on a 2.8GHz quad-core Mac Pro mid 2010. I’m using the Prelude start-up from Bozhidar Batsov.
> Emacs often hangs when starting via Quicksilver[1]. I often have to try 2 or 3 times before Emacs appears. When it hangs, it takes about 50% CPU. The “Emacs” menu appears, but no visible window and no response. If you switch to another app, you can’t switch back via Cmd-Tab or by clicking its icon in the dock. The only thing you can do is to force-kill it.
> I have included a sample of Emacs in its ‘hanging’ state. Maybe it helps.
> Cheers,
> Peter.
> [1] I have not made comparisons with other ways of launching. Years ago I always used the command line to launch emacs, and I don’t recall any hanging. However, lots of things have changed since then, so it may not be relevant.
> <Sample of Emacs 24.4.txt>
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