[OS X Emacs] command line

William Slough wslough at gmail.com
Fri Feb 8 17:46:14 EST 2019

I tried this:

  > aquamacs -version

and was greeted with the following error message shown below. Perhaps this
is enough information to answer your question? I have not updated my
aquamacs in quite some time, so perhaps the options are somewhat different
in a more modern version.

Bill Slough

open: invalid option -- r

Usage: open [-e] [-t] [-f] [-W] [-R] [-n] [-g] [-h] [-s <partial SDK
name>][-b <bundle identifier>] [-a <application>] [filenames] [--args

Help: Open opens files from a shell.

      By default, opens each file using the default application for that

      If the file is in the form of a URL, the file will be opened as a URL.


      -a                Opens with the specified application.

      -b                Opens with the specified application bundle

      -e                Opens with TextEdit.

      -t                Opens with default text editor.

      -f                Reads input from standard input and opens with

      -F  --fresh       Launches the app fresh, that is, without restoring
windows. Saved persistent state is lost, excluding Untitled documents.

      -R, --reveal      Selects in the Finder instead of opening.

      -W, --wait-apps   Blocks until the used applications are closed (even
if they were already running).

          --args        All remaining arguments are passed in argv to the
application's main() function instead of opened.

      -n, --new         Open a new instance of the application even if one
is already running.

      -j, --hide        Launches the app hidden.

      -g, --background  Does not bring the application to the foreground.

      -h, --header      Searches header file locations for headers matching
the given filenames, and opens them.

      -s                For -h, the SDK to use; if supplied, only SDKs
whose names contain the argument value are searched.

                        Otherwise the highest versioned SDK in each
platform is used.

On Fri, Feb 8, 2019 at 3:40 PM Stephen Anderson <sra.linguist at gmail.com>

> Would it be possible to get more information on the command line
> invocation of Aquamacs? I ask because I use Aquamacs as an external editor
> for LaTeX files with TexShop as a viewer, and the latest version of TexShop
> has begun to make synchronization with external editors possible.  This
> involves writing a simple shell script that invokes the editor in question
> on the file being previewed in TexShop at the relevant line. For example,
> it is suggested that the relevant file for bbedit integration would be
> > #!/bin/sh
> > /usr/local/bin/bbedit "$2:$1”
> For TextMate, the equivalent would be
> > #!/bin/tcsh
> >      set path= ($path /Library/TeX/texbin /usr/texbin /usr/local/bin)
> >      /usr/local/bin/mate --line $1 $2
> or (for /bin/sh) with provision for spaces in file names,
> >       #!/bin/sh
> >       /usr/local/bin/mate --line "$1" "$2”
> The point is that this functionality seems to be provided if the
> command-line version of the editor allows arguments to specify a file and a
> line in that file. What arguments does the command-line version of Aquamacs
> allow? Unfortunately, installing the tool does not also install a man entry
> for it, and I can’t find the answer in the Aquamacs manual itself.
> Thanks,
> --
> Stephen R. Anderson
> Dorothy R. Diebold Professor of Linguistics, Emeritus
> Yale University
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