[OS X Emacs] aquamacs interacting incorrectly with git (and .org site not working)

David Romano dromano at stanford.edu
Sun Mar 3 14:09:51 EST 2019

I was hoping to be able to use Aquamacs for my git work, so I installed the
command line tools for Aquamacs, and ran `git config --global  core.editor

This did work, but opened on the terminal, rather than in a new Aquamacs
window, so I then ran `git config --global  core.editor aquamacs` instead.

As expected, running `git commit --amend` opened a new Aquamacs window, but
the altered commit message doesn't register, and similarly, rebasing
doesn't seem to work either.  Is there a setting I might be missing?

Thanks for your help,
David Romano
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