[OS X Emacs] scheme with emacs/aquamacs

Jean-Christophe Helary jean.christophe.helary at traduction-libre.org
Wed Apr 8 09:54:58 EDT 2020

Bonsoir Vincent,

> On Apr 8, 2020, at 22:40, Vincent Douce Mathoscope <mathoscope at netcourrier.com> wrote:
> i just would like to know how to proceed to run a very simple .scm file under aquamacs (or emacs if aquamacs cant do this job), either with the mac os X' app, or inside the terminal

In your emacs settings, you have to give emacs the path to the scheme interpreter that you want to use.

You can do that by using M-x customize-variable and then entering "scheme-program-name".

You'll get a customization dialog where you'll put the scheme command name (make sure the command is in the path emacs recognizes).

Then, just write a .scm file and emacs will automatically use Scheme mode to handle it. From there, you just have to use the available commands from the mode, like evaluate last sexp, etc.

Jean-Christophe Helary
http://mac4translators.blogspot.com @brandelune

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