[OS X Emacs] Verifying Aquamacs

Roussanka Loukanova rl.stpuu at gmail.com
Tue Apr 21 13:48:18 EDT 2020

> FWIW, I was just writing a similar comment. These are two essentially
> unrelated functions, that are doing two completely unrelated things. The
> only possible couplings I can imagine are
> 1) a failure of network connectivity that prevents both of them from
> working. (Note that the “check for update” function presumably always needs
> connectivity, but the “verify” function doesn’t if it doesn’t need to check
> for developer certificate validity or revocation)
In my case, it seems to me that the network connectivity shouldn't be a
problem, judging by:

- both problems have started recently
- Skim / TexShop > Check for Updates...
pops up a good window [*You’re up-to-date!...*]

2) some sort of strange behavior (aka “bug”) in the macOS certificate
> validation code that’s causing valid, or validatable, certificates to fail
> to validate.
> As wild speculation, Arthur’s report that he was getting a validation
> error for an apparently valid Lets Encrypt cert _could_ be a hint that
> something of that sort is going on, or it could be a legitimate (ie,
> non-buggy) failure for any number of reasons. Hard to sort that out without
> more data.
> (Out of curiosity, for Arthur or anyone else seeing Lets Encrypt errors,
> can you say what is generating that message? Web browser? Some other
> downloader? ???)
I have the same question. I got a message similar to Arthur's, by
Aquamacs.app (perhaps by clicking Checking for Updates) a couple of days
ago. It also prompted me to select among three options, and after that,
perhaps by selecting Accept (or something like that), I get like Bill, just
a message "Mark set".

Best Regards,

> —john
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