[OS X Emacs] Verifying Aquamacs

Peter West lists at pbw.id.au
Fri Apr 24 21:29:42 EDT 2020

Are certificates from letsencrypt being rejected by macos at the system level?

Peter West
pbw at pbw.id.au
One of his disciples, Andrew, Simon Peter's brother, said to him, “There is a boy here who has five barley loaves and two fish, but what are they for so many?”

> On 25 Apr 2020, at 3:48 am, Arthur E. OGUS <ogus at math.berkeley.edu> wrote:
> This morning I again found the following message (in an emacs window) on starting  Aquamacs:
> Certificate information
> Issued by:          Let's Encrypt Authority X3
> Issued to:          CN=aquamacs.org <http://aquamacs.org/>
> Hostname:           aquamacs.org <http://aquamacs.org/>
> Public key:         RSA, signature: RSA-SHA256
> Protocol:           TLS1.2, key: ECDHE-RSA, cipher: AES-128-GCM, mac: AEAD
> Security level:     Medium
> Valid:              From 2020-04-16 to 2020-07-15
> The TLS connection to aquamacs.org:443 <http://aquamacs.org:443/> is insecure for the following
> reasons:
> the certificate was signed by an unknown and therefore untrusted authority
> certificate could not be verified
>> On Apr 21, 2020, at 10:48 AM, Roussanka Loukanova <rl.stpuu at gmail.com <mailto:rl.stpuu at gmail.com>> wrote:
>> FWIW, I was just writing a similar comment. These are two essentially unrelated functions, that are doing two completely unrelated things. The only possible couplings I can imagine are
>> 1) a failure of network connectivity that prevents both of them from working. (Note that the “check for update” function presumably always needs connectivity, but the “verify” function doesn’t if it doesn’t need to check for developer certificate validity or revocation)
>> In my case, it seems to me that the network connectivity shouldn't be a problem, judging by:
>> - both problems have started recently
>> - Skim / TexShop > Check for Updates...
>> pops up a good window [You’re up-to-date!...]
>> 2) some sort of strange behavior (aka “bug”) in the macOS certificate validation code that’s causing valid, or validatable, certificates to fail to validate. 
>> As wild speculation, Arthur’s report that he was getting a validation error for an apparently valid Lets Encrypt cert _could_ be a hint that something of that sort is going on, or it could be a legitimate (ie, non-buggy) failure for any number of reasons. Hard to sort that out without more data.
>> (Out of curiosity, for Arthur or anyone else seeing Lets Encrypt errors, can you say what is generating that message? Web browser? Some other downloader? ???)
>> I have the same question. I got a message similar to Arthur's, by Aquamacs.app (perhaps by clicking Checking for Updates) a couple of days ago. It also prompted me to select among three options, and after that, perhaps by selecting Accept (or something like that), I get like Bill, just a message "Mark set".
>> Best Regards,
>> Roussanka
>> —john
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