[OS X Emacs] backwards search with aquamacs and Skim

Win Treese treese at acm.org
Sun Jun 4 20:34:46 EDT 2023

On Jun 4, 2023, at 8:26 PM, Arthur E. OGUS <ogus at math.berkeley.edu> wrote:
> I am working on a large mathematics manuscript, and suddenly the PDF synchronization with Aquamacs and Skim is broken.  The forward search (from the emacs window to the Skim window) works,
> but  not the backwards search (from Skim to Aquamacs).  Command-shift click does nothing.  It still works on my laptop, but not on my desktop.  There are many places this could go wrong; any suggestions
> on how to track it down?

Hi, Arthur.

What versions of Aquamacs and Skim are you using?

- Win

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