[OS X Emacs] backwards search with aquamacs and Skim

Peter Dyballa Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE
Mon Jun 5 04:05:59 EDT 2023

> Am 05.06.2023 um 04:34 schrieb Arthur E. OGUS <ogus at math.berkeley.edu>:
> export PATH=/usr/texbin:$PATH
> Can you suggest how to change this?  (But  I don’t think this is the problem.)
> The terminal command “which  emacsclient” returns nothing in both cases. 

I think Win tried to say this: Either you add /Applications/Aquamacs.app/Contents/MacOS/bin, the assumed path to Aquamacs' emacsclient, to your PATH setting, or you expand in the preference pane "emacsclient" to become "/Applications/Aquamacs.app/Contents/MacOS/bin/emacsclient" – if that's the correct path.

The first variant enables you to send files to Aquamacs for viewing or editing purposes. By setting an environment variable EDITOR to hold "emacsclient" or by invoking emacsclient.

There can be another cause that your setup is failing. As far as I understand the way emacsclient works it is necessary to invoke in Emacs or Aquamacs a server that creates a socket in the file system by which means the server and emacsclient communicate. Here is the help page GNU Emacs displays (C-h f server-start RET):

	server-start is an autoloaded interactive compiled Lisp function in
	(server-start &optional LEAVE-DEAD INHIBIT-PROMPT)
	  Probably introduced at or before Emacs version 18.
	Allow this Emacs process to be a server for client processes.
	This starts a server communications subprocess through which client
	"editors" can send your editing commands to this Emacs job.
	To use the server, set up the program ‘emacsclient’ in the Emacs
	distribution as your standard "editor".
	Optional argument LEAVE-DEAD (interactively, a prefix arg) means just
	kill any existing server communications subprocess.
	If a server is already running, restart it.  If clients are
	running, ask the user for confirmation first, unless optional
	argument INHIBIT-PROMPT is non-nil.
	To force-start a server, do M-x server-force-delete and then
	M-x server-start.
	To check from a Lisp program whether a server is running, use
	the ‘server-process’ variable.

This *Help* page or buffer is quite handy since you can click on high-lighted items and then the value of the variable is displayed. And you can return to the previous page…

There also exists a buffer *Messages* which might be holding some messages from Emacs. They might explain why communication fails.

BTW, "interactively, a prefix arg" is simply C-u followed by the proper function (or command).




No one is patriotic about taxes.
				– George Orwell, Orwell Diaries 1938-1942, (1940-08-09)

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