[OS X Emacs] Aquamacs 3.6 + MacOs Ventura 13.6.4 + SPC + TAB

Dan Eriksen dan.emacs at gmail.com
Wed Feb 28 08:34:43 EST 2024

After updating my iMac to MacOs Ventura 13.6.4 and my emacs to Aquamacs
3.6, the spacebar and tab key (SPC and TAB) do not work anymore.

However, a space can be achieved with a combination of shift and spacebar
(⇧SPC), and a "set mark" with C-SPC (^SPC) but the spacebar does not work
on its own.
However spacebar with a double click seames seems to provide a
<toggle-frame-maximized> or more likely a <toggle-max-frame>  (-;

I tried to (global-set-key [(? )] 'spacebar) in the Preferences.el
It prevented shift spacebar to work as a spacebar, but spacebar still did
not work.

And  (define-key global-map (kbd "<SPC>") 'self-insert-command)  gave no

In all other applications (other than emacs) the keyboard works correctly.

I would be grateful if you could suggest a solution to this problem (TAB
and SPC)

'C-h k shift space' gives the explanation: "SPC (translated from ⇧SPC) runs
the command self-insert-command (found in global-map)"

Med venlig hilsen

Dan Eriksen
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