[OS X Emacs] Aquamacs 3.6 + MacOs Ventura 13.6.4 + SPC + TAB

Peter Dyballa Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE
Wed Feb 28 12:00:22 EST 2024

> Am 28.02.2024 um 14:34 schrieb Dan Eriksen <dan.emacs at gmail.com>:
> Miscellaneous
> 'C-h k shift space' gives the explanation: "SPC (translated from ⇧SPC) runs the command self-insert-command (found in global-map)"

This says that pressing both keys was correctly received. The problem is that afterwards, after detection, something, a keymap, is translating the input to something different.

<SPACE> or "␣" (OPEN BOX) produces different actions in different modes. Do you know dired or read-only buffers? Dired, C-x d, is a directory viewer. <SPACE> does a next or C-n, down one line/file/directory, and  <S-SPACE> or <⇧SPACE> performs previous or C-p, up one line/file/directory.

When in dired-mode on some text or graphics file (with 100 or more lines) you can visit it in read-only mode by pressing "v". With <SPACE> or <⇧SPACE> you scroll up or down the contents, with "q" you quit, close the buffer.

Can you check in which particular mode <SPACE> does not work? In calendar-mode <SPACE> is "scroll-other-window (up)". Have you assigned new bindings to modifier keys? Shift is one of them…




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