[Mac OS X TeX] How to print postscript in MacOSX ?
Michael Murray
mmurray at maths.adelaide.edu.au
Wed Jul 11 03:27:10 EDT 2001
<x-flowed>>On 11/07/2001 10:57 AM, Michael Murray (mmurray at maths.adelaide.edu.au)
>>> On 11/07/2001 10:45 AM, Michael Murray (mmurray at maths.adelaide.edu.au)
>>> emailed:
>>>> If I end up with a postscript file on my mac under MacOS X how
>>>>can I print
>>>> it. Last time I needed to do this I launched OzTeX under Classic and
>>>> used that to send the ps file to the printer.
>>>> I am happy to use the command line if need be. I tried drag and
>>>>drop of the
>>>> ps file onto the open printer window from Print Center - didn't work.
>>>> Michael
>>> lpr -Pprinter_name file.ps
>> Thanks - that gives
>> [localhost:~] mmurray% lpr -Ppsmmurray /Users/mmurray/Desktop/gomi_tera.ps
>> jobs queued, but cannot start daemon.
>> I assume I need to sent something up ? The printer psmmurray is known
>> to the Mac in the sense that its known to the PrintCenter and I can
>> print from apps.
>Has it been set up as an lpr printer or as a USB/Appletalk printer?
>I had assumed it was an lpr printer.
No its appletalk. Its an old 4/600 - great little machine for personal
use but no
TCP/IP - I have it on appletalk / ethernet with an appletalk/ethernet
box but it doesn't get an IP that way.
Thanks to all the replies - -I'll try atprint.
Assoc/Prof Michael Murray
Department of Pure Mathematics Fax: 61+ 8 8303
University of Adelaide Phone: 61+ 8 8303 4174
Australia 5005 Email: mmurray at maths.adelaide.edu.au
Home Page: http://www.maths.adelaide.edu.au/pure/mmurray
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