[Mac OS X TeX] prosper

Markus Owen M.R.Owen at lboro.ac.uk
Tue Jul 3 07:07:40 EDT 2001

<x-flowed>I made a copy of Acrobat Reader 5, renamed it, and made it "Open in 
the Classic environment" using "Show info". The page transitions work 
fine in full screen mode.

>At 10:45 AM +0100 6/28/01, Lawrence C Paulson wrote:
>>It does seem nice.  But Acrobat Reader 5 does an awful job on the demo
>>presentation that's distributed with Prosper.  Instead of the intended screen
>>transitions (which work on other versions of Acrobat) it pauses for a second
>>and the screen goes completely white.  It is very painful to watch.
>I don't have the pause, but I do have the flash of white, as I said in an
>earlier note. Indeed, for my talk at IJCAR last Friday (Sorry you weren't
>around for that session, Larry.) I rebooted back into 9.1 to actually give the
>presentation. Someone else I talked to at the conference (I forget 
>who) just decided
>to use a plain style (i.e. just a blank white background) so that the flash to
>white wouldn't be noticeable.
>At 9:38 PM +0930 6/28/01, Michael Murray wrote:
>>Can you get transitions like Glitter  to work. They work in
>>Acrobat 4 under Classic but not in 5.
>I hadn't noticed till now that they were gone, as I tend not to use them.
>On the other hand' while they worked in 4 under classic when viewing 
>in a window,
>Acrobat 4 did not work at all in full-screen mode. It just presented a blank
>screen. So, the blank flash between slides in 5.0 can be seen as a 
>form of progress!
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* Dr Markus Owen                      *   Tel: 01509-223184    *
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* Leicestershire LE11 3TU             *  M.R.Owen at lboro.ac.uk  *
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