[Mac OS X TeX] Editor choices
V. Vatsal
vatsal at math.ubc.ca
Tue Jun 12 18:22:27 EDT 2001
<x-flowed>I've been messing about with various editors in OSX, to find one that works
well for me. Here's my 10 cents worth (and it's Canadian money, so really
not worth anything.)
I have tried:
A) BBEdit: Like many of the people on this list, I don't find the TeX
syntax coloring in BBEdit to be particularly useful or even robust. It was
even broken in 5.1 -- it used to color everything between dollar signs, and
often got confused. Now it doesn't color delimiters at all, which is worse,
in my opinion.
B) Pepper: http://www.hekkelman.com/pepper.html
Quite nice. Lots of nifty features, decent coloring. It does most of the
things I want, but for $45 it's a bit pricey.
C) Alpha in classic. Love the LaTeX features, frequently get frustrated
with the interface, and waste time on trivial things. And it's not ready
for OS X yet.
D) emacs/xemacs: haven't gotten around to installing emacs yet, but if it's
the same as emacs in unix/linux, then it's going to be pretty decent. That
being said, the interface is just not intuive to me, and, as with Alpha, I
end up wasting time with it.
On balance, I find I am most productive with BBEdit and Pepper, although
the non-colored delimiters in BBEdit 6.1 are annoying. BBEdit undoubtedly
worked best for me in Mac OS 9; glossary items provide access to all the
templates I need. I also liked the find and mark all feature -- it's great
for managing big documents.
I'd fork out the $$ for 6.1, but the syntax coloring problem is a turn off.
But as Christian Smith of Barebones sez, it's possible to change this, by
writing a replacement module. I wanted to do this myself, but I don't have
Codewarrior, or time to learn about programming in C, just at the present
moment. (Maybe when I get tenure, but then it might be easier just to quite
TeXing :))
In any case, I have a minimalist coloring scheme in mind that would work
for me. I'd suggest two things
i) color any occurence of $ $$ { }
ii) anything that matches \[xxx]+, where xxx+ means zero or more alphabetic
characters. The match should stop when the pattern reaches any
non-alphabetic character.
Any comments/ideas? The above seems simple enough that it ought not to be
so incredibly hard to program.
V. Vatsal
Department of Mathematics
University of British Columbia
Vancouver, BC
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