[Mac OS X TeX] emacs and tex

Niv Drory drory at usm.uni-muenchen.de
Sun May 13 06:24:46 EDT 2001

For all of you who never used emacs/xemacs to edit tex files, here's a
short summary of what it can do for you, and why many people like this
combination so much. There is an advanced tex editing mode for emacs
called auc-tex. Im always referring to this mode. 

For all those implementing tex systems on the Mac, there are probably a
few things which would be great to incorporate into your editors ...

- auc-tex works in conjunction with emacs' outline mode, where it will
parse your tex-files for \chapter, \section, etc. commands and then let
you collapse and expand these much like outline mode in M$ Word does.

- auc-tex can handle sources consisting of multiple input files by reading
\input commands

- it will parse your input for \cite, \ref, \label and the like and will
autocomplete the labels for you whe you want to enter one. You must enter
only the beginning of a citation key, hit tab, and it will show you all
matches from your .bib files. It will let you customize the commands for
this, so that you can add further citation forms, e.g. \citeN.

- You can customize the behaviour of auc-tex by writing commands in the
form of tex-comments (lines beginning with %), for example to write a list
of words to be ignored by the spell-checker

Some of these are really unique features I haven't seen in any other tex
implementation. What is also very nice under Unix/X11 is that xdvi will
call gs (ghostscript) to automatically show all postscript figures in the
preview. This could of course also be done under MacOS X (Tom, ... ?). And
you can use Makefiles ...

I hope this inspires a little,



Niv Drory                               |   drory at usm.uni-muenchen.de
University Observatory                  |     www.usm.uni-muenchen.de
University of Munich                    |
Scheinerstr. 1                          |     Phone: +49 89 2180 5982 
81679 Munich, Germany                   |     FAX  : +49 89 2180 6003 

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