[Mac OS X TeX] CMacTeX finding some fonts, not others

Tom Kiffe tom at kiffe.com
Wed May 9 22:07:36 EDT 2001

>I am a long-time OzTeX user, now trying out both TeXShop and CMacTeX.
>I installed CMacTeX and everything seems to work great except:
>1.  pdftex doesn't find my xypic type 1 fonts.  It finds all the
>bluesky fonts, which are in a nearby branch of my texmf tree.  The
>fonts are there, and all the permissions seem to be right.  Both
>TeXShop and the command-line pdflatex (with the same LaTeX file)
>*do* find the xypic fonts.
>When I ask CMacTeX's "setup" to dump the paths to a file, I find
>the necessary path listed:
>Any suggestions?

Check the pdftex.cfg file in texmflocal/pdftex/config/pdftex.cfg. Does
it have the line

map +xypic.map

If not, pdftex doesn't know that the xypic fonts are to be used in Postscript

>2.  A related problem, which would be irrelevant if it could find
>the fonts: it tries to make the pk fonts at 600dpi, since that's
>the default in the pdftex.cfg, so it sends:
>  MakeTeXPK xydash10 600 600 magstep(0.0) CanonCX
>to maketexpk, which acknowledges the correct command but answers with
>  Output written on xydash10.300gf (128 characters, 6464 bytes).
>(note the "300").  Then it calls gftopk, which complains
>  fatal: File `/OSX/Users/rubin/test/xydash10.600gf' not found
>I'm more interested in the answer to the first question.  Thanks for
>any help.

Launch CMacTeX, go to the OPtions Menu and select "pdftex options". The
Metafont mode should be set to CanonEX or ljfour with the dpi is 600.

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