[Mac OS X TeX] GUI for teTeX settings, etc.; ideas from NeXT?
William Adams
wadams at atlis.com
Thu Nov 15 14:59:22 EST 2001
Troy said:
>Alternatively, there could be a Services item (available to the
>Finder) named, say, "Install TeX add-on". If nothing is selected, it
>shows me a little window explaining what it does. If a *.sty, *.ins,
>etc. file is selected, it does the right thing with it and I'm on my
>merry way.
Actually, there was a facility to fetch and install up-dates.
The big difficulty here is that:
1 - TeX Directory Structure is _very_ complex
1b - the standard thing to do is to just grab / install everything, no?
2 - the ``TeX Package System'' or whatever they were going to call it
never got resolved / finished
3 - Mac users seem resistant to NeXT's standard of having things to
install come in .pkgs
4 - Apple broke the latter when they switched from gnutar to pax :(
(who's a Plain TeX / roll-your-own kinda guy, so doesn't grok this LaTeX
stuff anyway ;)
William Adams, publishing specialist
ATLIS Graphics & Design / 717-731-6707 voice / 717-731-6708 fax
Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.
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