[Mac OS X TeX] pdf causes 10.1 to crash

Gerben Wierda sherlock at rna.nl
Fri Nov 2 14:51:23 EST 2001

<x-flowed>On Friday, November 2, 2001, at 05:41 , V. Vatsal wrote:

> I am inclined to think therefore the problem resides in the version of 
> ghostscript 6 that is included in the teTeX which comes with TeXShop. I 
> understand that there are other problems with gs 7 and quartz, but gs 
> 6's ability to generate PDF which causes automatic logout and a system 
> crash seems rather serious to me.

Yes, this is a difficult item. In my package I still use gs 6.01. It is 
not a common problem that the PDF that is produced crashes the system, 
it happens only sometimes.

One should not forget that using tex-dvips-gs is an alternative and not 
the main route. The main route remains using pdftex. That is a lame 
excuse, I know, but the problem is Apple's. And both alternatives are 


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