[Mac OS X TeX] embedding fonts
Jerry Stratton
jerry at hoboes.com
Tue Oct 2 19:32:19 EDT 2001
At 5:45 PM -0400 on 10/2/01, Gary L. Gray wrote:
>This brings up a question that I have had for some time. When
>TeXShop calls teTeX using pdflatex, how do we know what fonts
>pdflatex is embedding in the PDF file? There is no setting in
>TeXShop for this, so I don't really know what is happening. I
>suppose this is related to the question quoted above, that is, I
>assume that the TeX + Ghostscript option in TeXShop is calling
>ps2pdf at some point, so how do we know what fonts ps2pdf is
Currently what I'm doing is, after I create a PDF file, open it in Acrobat 5.0 and check what fonts are embedded. (This doesn't, of course, solve the problem of what I would do if a font I needed embedded wasn't. But so far, it has embedded the needed font.)
jerry at hoboes.com Negative Space http://www.hoboes.com/
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