[Mac OS X TeX] TeXShop and RevTeX4

Jerome Laurens Jerome.laurens at u-bourgogne.fr
Mon Sep 24 07:10:51 EDT 2001

James Owen wrote:
> I am struggling with RevTex 4 off the aps website. One issue is that
> they want you to use a separate bibliography with the tex file, but when
> you open a file with another extension than .tex, i.e. .bib, then all
> the processing buttons are greyed out, including the one for bibtex,
> which if I am reading the instructions correctly, you need to process
> the .bib file, to attach the bibliography to the output file.
> Am I confused about the purpose of the bibtex button, or does this need
> to be fixed?

the .bib file does not need to be processed, the .aux file yes.
If you open your .tex file, the bibtex button will be available, and it
will parse
the .aux file.
Where to put the bibliography is given by the BibTeX man page, but
TeXShop does not yet use the BIBINPUT environment variable.

> I am also having trouble with texshop not finding all the revtex files
> when I have stored them in the texmf tree where the instructions said I
> should (texmf/latex/revtex4/*.sty for example). How do I do all the
> 'texhash' type commands to enable texshop or tetex to see all of the
> tree?

Not a complete answer: if you put stuff in your local texmf tree, you
can avoid texhashing as long as you don't have thousands of files. In
that case, you should remove any ls-R file previously created. G Wierda
says the lost is not significant...

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