[Mac OS X TeX] paths & the terminal - command line no longer works

Arun Mangalam arun_mangalam at mac.com
Sat Sep 29 22:07:16 EDT 2001


It worked before because you used Wierda's nice package to install 
tetex. The installer sets paths in one of the files [I'm not sure which] 
in the directory "/usr/share/init/tcsh". The paths that it sets is just 
the directory of tex binaries: 
"/usr/local/teTeX/bin/powerpc-apple-darwin1.3.7". You can set that path 
in your home directory, OR, like the installer, set it again in [maybe?] 
"/usr/share/init/tcsh/environment" and hope that Apple doesn't it 
overwrite the file again :).

- Arun

On Saturday, September 29, 2001, at 08:20  PM, Gary L. Gray wrote:

> There has been a lot of discussion lately by Arun Mangalam, Richard 
> Koch, Gerben Wierda, and others regarding path variables, TeXShop and 
> teTeX. It seems that this discussion may be relevant to something that 
> has happened to me since installing Mac OS X 10.1.
> It used to be that I could run the Terminal app and tex, latex, and 
> pdflatex files without trouble from the terminal. This was useful when 
> I needed to process a .ins or .dtx file or run to run texhash. Since 
> installing Mac OS X 10.1, this no longer works. For example, I now get:
> [localhost:EMch 012/Exams/Exam 1 - Fall 2001] gray% pdflatex 
> exam1-fa2001.tex
> pdflatex: Command not found.
> This used to work flawlessly. Clearly it isn't finding pdflatex, but 
> why not?
> Does anyone know how to fix this? By the way, I have not installed 
> XFree86, fink, or anything like that.
> Best regards,
> --    Gary L. Gray
>    Associate Professor
>    Engineering Science & Mechanics
>    Penn State University
>    (814) 863-1778
>    http://www.esm.psu.edu/Faculty/Gray/
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