[OS X TeX] Syntax colouring for things within braces?

William Adams wadams at atlis.com
Wed Aug 28 08:10:31 EDT 2002

Random thought---has anyone ever considered this?

Say, stuff within braces gets ten percent lighter than that without, and 
it continues to lighten as nesting goes up.

So, a document like:

my new tex document%this and ``by'' below would be black.

by {\it William Adams}%\it William Adams would be 90% grey

{{\TeX} nests things within braces to indicate differing %
% ^90%
levels {where one can get more intricate {as things go on}}
%^100%  ^90%                              ^80%



William Adams, publishing specialist
voice - 717-731-6707 | Fax - 717-731-6708

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