[OS X TeX] outlining and TeX

Hemant Bhargava hkb at mac.com
Sat Aug 10 08:41:20 EDT 2002

Frederick -

This is very good and the kind of thing I was really looking for - 

Can an AppleScript ask a user for inputs? So, presumably it could ask me 
if I want the level 1 term to be a \begin{slide} or \section and so on?


On Friday, August 9, 2002, at 11:23 PM, Fredrik Wallenberg wrote:

> I don't actually remember John's website address (it is a .mac 
> address). However I have his script and also made my own modification 
> to create TeX slides (using pdfscreen). I think that almost all the 
> functionality that you'd want from a TeX export of OO can be made using 
> AppleScript.
> My modified script can be downloaded at:
> http://www.sims.berkeley.edu/~fredrik/files/OmniOut2pdfScreen.scpt.bin
> Feel free to download, modify and repost (as long as credits are left 
> in the header comment of the code ;-)
> Fredrik--

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