[OS X TeX] outlining and TeX

Fredrik Wallenberg fwallenberg at mac.com
Fri Aug 9 23:23:13 EDT 2002

I don't actually remember John's website address (it is a .mac address). However I have his script and also made my own modification to create TeX slides (using pdfscreen). I think that almost all the functionality that you'd want from a TeX export of OO can be made using AppleScript.

My modified script can be downloaded at: 

Feel free to download, modify and repost (as long as credits are left in the header comment of the code ;-)


On Thursday, Aug 08, 2002, at 06:57PM, Bruce D'Arcus <bdarcus at mac.com> wrote:

>On Thursday, Aug 08, 2002, at 06:13PM, Hemant Bhargava <hkb at mac.com> wrote:
>>To all who responded to my query - especially Mark Guzdial, Enrico,  
>>Stephen Addison, Mike Murray  and Joe Slater  .. thanks a lot! I tried 
>>emacs and also Mark's AppleScript. I hope some day we can get 
>>OmniOutliner developers to add a "tex export" feature that is somewhat 
>>tex-aware, and let's us take advantage of the nice GUI interface in the 
>Actually, John Johnson wrote an Applescript for OO that you can place in the toolbar, press, and it will place the outline on the clipboard, including the notes if you like.  I think I remember him posting about it here a couple of months back.  Given support for AS in TeXShop, you can imagine it'd be trivial to have the outline placed in a new TS doc...
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