[OS X TeX] Mac OS X 10.2 and my TeX installers

Gerben Wierda Sherlock at rna.nl
Thu Aug 15 15:30:01 EDT 2002

On Thursday, August 15, 2002, at 03:28 , Paolo Ghirardato wrote:

> Two stupid questions:

They're not so stupid.

> Does that mean that we will have problems using the tetex that we are 
> currently using with 10.1.5 (i.e., the already installed one)?

It will work as far as I know. However, not from the command line 
without some fiddling as Apple has changed policies on PATH. From a GUI 
like TeXShop it woul dmake no difference.

> What about TeXShop (I know, I should ask Dick Koch about this)?


> Put in a single question: should I wait to make sure that all the key 
> TeX software runs before upgrading?

If your environment is critical to your wellbeing and health, and it 
works, I would suggest to wait a few weeks before you upgrade.


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