[OS X TeX] Mac OS X 10.2 and my TeX installers

Ullrich Steiner u.steiner at chem.rug.nl
Fri Aug 16 02:51:51 EDT 2002

On Thursday, Aug 15, 2002, at 21:30 Europe/Amsterdam, Gerben Wierda 

> It will work as far as I know. However, not from the command line 
> without some fiddling as Apple has changed policies on PATH. From a 
> GUI like TeXShop it woul dmake no difference.

There seem to be some PATH related problems with iTeXMac, however, 
which displays the error message:

tcsh_initdir: Undefined variable.

Interestingly, by trying to repeatedly to typeset the document, it is 
possible the override the error and then everything works OK.

Is it possible to reset the PATH to the way it was in 10.1.5 and if 
yes, how?

- Ulli

Ullrich Steiner
Department of Polymer Chemistry
University of Groningen
Nijenborgh 4
NL-9747AG Groningen
The Netherlands

Tel:    +31-50-363-7888
Fax:    +31-50-363-4400
e-mail: mailto:u.steiner at chem.rug.nl
www:    http://www.chem.rug.nl/steiner
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