[OS X TeX] TeXShop / editor featuresets / documentation

William Adams wadams at atlis.com
Tue Aug 6 10:03:28 EDT 2002

Michael asked:
>Whats a folding editor ?  Do you mean being able to collapse
>sections ?

That's pretty much it---you select a block, or ideally, a TeX
\input/include file, and either ``fold'' (say hiding a block under its
callout), or revealing the text of the included file ``in situ''. Then
one could edit a small included file in context (I'm working on a
project which would go much faster so---having the option at the end to
save out a version with all the \input s commented out, and the files
included beneath them would be a Godsend.

(who hasn't been able to find a folding editor which'll work with
Windows Pen Services :(
but who has been thrilled w/ WinTeXShell's pen support ;)

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