[Mac OS X TeX] Two new TeX dmg releases

Gerben Wierda sherlock at rna.nl
Mon Feb 4 15:58:28 EST 2002

There is something wrong with the list it seems, my postings do not get 

On Monday, February 4, 2002, at 11:02 , Bruno Voisin wrote:

> What is the latest non-beta release of teTeX? The link from the TeXShop 
> web page seems broken, it referes to TeXLive-teTeX.dmg which was 
> withdrawn. And I must confess I don't understand a thing about the 
> TeXLive/teTeX-beta issues. Is teTeX.dmg on ftp.nluug.nl the current 
> non-beta teTeX (it's dated 10/12/01)?

Here is the latest announce again:

The following dmg's have been updated:

TeXLive-20020201-teTeX-texmf-beta-20020129-2002-02-02-19-54-58.dmg, to 
be downloaded as


to be downloaded as


They are almost the same as the previous release, but with larger 
configuration values than the standard ones (I forgot that on the 
previous release). TeX Live has been set to the repository contents of 
source.development at 2002/02/01 at 00:00:00 plus a repaired texconfig.

Personally, I am using the TeX Live setup now. You are invited to 
download and test these releases.


PS. Yes I know, releases are coming and going quickly these days. This 
has to do with me moving to a dual TeX Live/teTeX setup (at the request 
of users) as well as developments in the TeX Live and teTeX setups which 
I closely follow. However, barring the discovery of problems with this 
release that are not part of the underlying systems, I think the current 
dmg's will be the last for a while.

PPS. Naming scheme. My releases have this naming scheme


where the latest version is also  available as



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