[Mac OS X TeX] Two new TeX dmg releases

Gerben Wierda sherlock at rna.nl
Sat Feb 2 04:32:25 EST 2002

There are two new TeX releases for you people to test:


contains the state of TeX Live development from Feb 01, 2002 for the 
programs. It contains more programs (e.g. dvipdfm) than teTeX, but the 
code is 'bleeding edge' and thus may contain slightly more errors.


contains the programs for teTeX-beta from Jan 29, 2002. The differences 
between both are small (because TeTeX follows TeXLive in certain areas 
while TeX Live follows teTeX in others) but not nonexistent.

Both have in addition an updated altpdftex program and an epstopdf than 
can handle mac style end-of-line and (due to a fix by Peder Axensten) 
buggy eps files from FreeHand.

Both contain the same main texmf tree which consists of my original main 
texmf tree with the new teTeX beta texmf tree written over it (and one 
patch applied).

Please test these releases and let me know if there are problems. This 
is the best time to catch problems in *both* major TeX distributions for 
unix and evolve to a  stable and rich solution for Mac OS X.


PS. Please back up your /usr/local/teTeX tree before testing. Not that I 
think there is something wrong, but a) you never know and b) it is the 
easiest way to get back to your current working solution.

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