[Mac OS X TeX] Off-topic: services menu inactive

Holger Frauenrath mail at frauenrath.com
Fri Feb 8 08:30:14 EST 2002

I am sorry to post something which is (slightly) off-topic: people on this 
list have talked a lot about services. When I wanted to try and use one 
today I rediscovered a problem that I had already forgotten about: all my 
services menu items are grey and inactive!

Can someone help me or point me to where to look for a solution?

While we are at it: is it just me or are the archives of this mailing list 
not searchible? When I tried to perform a google search from the list's 
website, all I got was an error message, and a list with all digest pages 


Dr. Holger Frauenrath
Department of Materials and Life Sciences
2225 North Campus Drive
Northwestern University
Evanston, IL, 60208

Phone: (847) 491-5950
Fax: (847) 491-3010
Email: mail at frauenrath.com

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