[Mac OS X TeX] teTeX via fink

David R. Morrison drm at cgtp.duke.edu
Mon Feb 11 20:20:25 EST 2002

I'm currently the "maintainer" of teTeX at the fink project.  I certainly
agree with Gerben's remarks that those who want to keep up-to-date,
particularly with pdfTeX, should install his packages directly, since
we are not keeping up with them.  (As one of my colleagues on the fink
project remarked, keeping up with Gerben would be a full time job!)

What fink provides at the moment is an installation which (aside from
location) is equivalent to Gerben's release from last August.  To obtain
this, you simply install the fink package "bundle-tetex", currently in
fink's "unstable" section.  (Until recently, the package to install was
called "tetex" but this was confusing and is being phased out.)  This
will automatically install various other packages like tetex-texmf and

There are also a number of other TeX-related packages such as pdfscreen
and revtex, which Gerben added to his distribution in November and which
are also available via fink.  Most of these are also in the "unstable"
section.  (By the way, things at fink stay in "unstable" until a few
users tell the maintainer that they are OK.  That hasn't yet happened
with these fink packages.)

On the other hand, if you want to use Gerben's distribution of teTeX along
with fink, you simply install the fink package "system-tetex" which lets
fink know that Gerben's installation is there.  One slight awkwardness
is that there is not yet a similar "system-ghostscript", so you end up
installing ghostscript twice, but fortunately ghostcript is not very large.

With either method, you can go on to install dvipdfm, xdvi, latex2html,
or any other packages which are not available in Gerben's distribution,
and everything should work well together.

  -- Dave

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