[Mac OS X TeX] Trying to get something Alpha-ish in Mac OS X

Peter Erwin erwin at ll.iac.es
Tue Feb 19 10:08:26 EST 2002

>What editors are others of you using in Mac OS X?  Anything you 
>particularly recommend as being as helpful as Alpha?

For what it's worth, I'm sufficiently addicted to using Alpha for 
LaTeX work (and
Python work, and ...) that I'm still using it in MacOS X.  It's 
running in Classic,
of course, but so far I haven't found that to be a big problem.  It 
can still communicate
with (Carbonized) OzTeX, so I can type Cmd-T and get the file I'm working on
TeX'd up (though sometimes I have to type it twice, since the first Cmd-T just
switches me to OzTeX).

But if you don't want to run Classic, for whatever reason, then that's not an
option, obviously.  Pepper is a possiblity, though I couldn't get 
quite as comfortable
with it as I am with Alpha.

I keep thinking there must be a way of telling Alpha to emit some Apple Events
which could (via shell commands, say) run command-line TeX, so I 
could use some-
thing other than OzTeX, if I wanted to... but I don't have the time 
to learn Tcl in
addition to Applescript and Bourne shell.


Peter Erwin                   Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias
erwin at ll.iac.es               C/ Via Lactea s/n
tel. +34 922 605 244          38200 La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain

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