[Mac OS X TeX] Trying to get something Alpha-ish in Mac OS X

mark markds at mac.com
Tue Feb 19 10:25:32 EST 2002

  > Is there some magic to fink that I'm not understanding?

Not really. I had a nightmare of a time getting LyX to work. I got it 
more or less working in the end only to discover that it was not what I 
was looking for. I have never used Alpha so I don't know how good a 
replacement LyX is. However, there are quite a lot of fiddles to get it 
working properly. 

> What editors are others of you using in Mac OS X?  Anything you
> particularly recommend as being as helpful as Alpha?

As I say, I have never used Alpha but my two preferred solutions for 
LaTeX based work on MacOS X are Pepper with TeXShop and Scientific 
Assistant. It might be worth looking at these. 


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