[Mac OS X TeX] Re: MacOSX-TeX Digest #235 - 02/12/02

Nicholas Matsakis matsakis at mit.edu
Tue Feb 12 22:47:36 EST 2002

On Tue, 12 Feb 2002, David Morrison wrote:

> I'm currently the "maintainer" of teTeX at the fink project.  I
> certainly agree with Gerben's remarks that those who want to keep
> up-to-date, particularly with pdfTeX, should install his packages
> directly, since we are not keeping up with them.  (As one of my
> colleagues on the fink project remarked, keeping up with Gerben would be
> a full time job!)

I'm glad to see that fink is following Gerben's release, even if it is a
little later.  I hope that as things stabilize more, Fink can get more
up-to-date, because it is extremely useful to be able to install software
using fink when administrating many MacOS X machines.

I know that everyone has their own wish list, but I'd just like to echo
the sentiment that tetex is a very important release to have available for
MacOS X (either from Gerben or Fink).  The lab where I work (MIT AI lab)
has settled on tetex as a standard latex distribution for the lab's
heterogenous network, and I imagine that many other sites are the same.

Nick Matsakis

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