[Mac OS X TeX] Re: The role of TeXShop

Ross Moore ross at ics.mq.edu.au
Thu Jan 17 16:01:44 EST 2002

> > combinations for commands which are essentially the same (Typeset), since
> > it is hard to imagine a document which could be compiled in both TeX and
> > LaTeX. I think it would be better design to have only one command (Typeset)
> > which then in accordance with the structure of the source file would call
> > the appropriate programme.  In other words, the choice between TeX and
> > LaTeX is not up to the user, but should be determined completely by the
> > context.
> You are right in a mathematical sense.
> But you are wrong in a human sense.
> TeXShop was designed essentially for beginners and had to be simple.
> Avoiding hidden actions make things more evident to beginners.
> BTW the context you mention is very difficult to guess. The user
> has always to tell the program what format to use, it can tell it once,
> or each time.

Furthermore, `TeX' and `LaTeX' should not be the only choices.
When you discover the use of format files, created using the \dump command,
then you'll be asking for a way to add *more* options into this menu.


	Ross Moore

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