[OS X TeX] Mathematica e TeXShop
Alessandro Languasco
languasc at math.unipd.it
Wed Jun 26 08:40:05 EDT 2002
Hi all,
I am trying to import a EPS file produced with Mathematica 4.1 in a tex
which is compiled using TeXShop-teTeX.
I think I have to install some additional package
to see and print well the fonts included in the eps file.
Do you know how can I find some hints about it ?
Off Topic: a friend of mine is trying to do the same using textures,
but even if he downloaded and installed
the Mathematica and Textures package from Gray's site,
the final result is not good (the fonts are not
well displayed on the video and are not printed well).
Do you know if there's some another step to do ?
Thanks in advance.
Alessandro Languasco, Ph. D.
Dipartimento di Matematica Pura e Applicata
Universita' di Padova
Via Belzoni 7
35131 Padova (Italy).
Phone: +39-(0)49-8275958
Fax: +39-(0)49-8275892
E-mail: languasco at math.unipd.it
Home page: http://www.math.unipd.it/~languasc
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