[OS X TeX] Arial (or similar) font in TeX

Michael Betsch Michael.Betsch at uni-tuebingen.de
Mon Jun 24 01:50:26 EDT 2002

>Thanks. However, while \usepackage{times} and \usepackage{palatino} 
>do what they are expected to do, \usepackage{helvet} does not seem 
>to do anything. TeXShop seems to find the style file, but the output 
>still looks like CM.

The helvetica package defines Helvetica as default Sans Serif font. 
Normal text is typeset in Roman font (unless you mark it as Sans 
Serif), and unless you redefine that, it will still be Computer 
Modern. The times package defines Times as Roman, Helvetica as Sans 
Serif and Courier as Typewriter.

If you want to typeset the whole text in Helvetica, you can use
in the preamble.

Michael Betsch

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