[OS X TeX] where/how can i get DeTeX for OSX?
Enrico Franconi
franconi at cs.man.ac.uk
Mon Jun 17 13:39:21 EDT 2002
On June 17, Oliver Hardt writes:
> hello: this may seem a little bit pathetic -- but i have no clue
> whatsoever as how to get DeTeX run under OSX. i've downloaded the
> archive from the developer's webpage, but now i am stuck with a
> bunch of files (i probably should somehow compile that stuff, but i
> really do not know what to do). so, is there anybody here that
> either can send me a OSX-executable version of DeTeX or help me
> create my own? thanks a lot! olli.
It is available as a fink package. If you don't want to install the
whole fink just for this, I attach the .info and .patch files so that
you can reconstruct the way to compile it in MacOSX.
Source: ftp://ftp.cs.purdue.edu/pub/trinkle/%n-%v.tar
PatchScript: patch <%a/%f.patch
CompileScript: make DESTDIR=%p/bin
InstallScript: <<
mkdir -p %i/bin
make install DESTDIR=%i/bin
mkdir -p %i/share/man/man1
cp detex.1l %i/share/man/man1/detex.1
mkdir -p %i/share/doc/detex
cp README %i/share/doc/detex
diff -c detex-2.7/Makefile detex-2.7.patched/Makefile
*** detex-2.7/Makefile Wed May 12 17:45:55 1999
--- detex-2.7.patched/Makefile Tue Jul 10 13:50:40 2001
*** 35,41 ****
# Add -DNO_MALLOC_DECL if your system does not like the malloc() declaration
# in detex.l (reported by pinard at iro.umontreal.ca)
--- 35,41 ----
# Add -DNO_MALLOC_DECL if your system does not like the malloc() declaration
# in detex.l (reported by pinard at iro.umontreal.ca)
*** 85,93 ****
# this target
install: detex
rm -f ${DESTDIR}/detex
! install -c -m 775 -o binary -g staff -s detex ${DESTDIR}
! # rm -f ${DESTDIR}/delatex
! # ln ${DESTDIR}/detex ${DESTDIR}/delatex
-rm -f a.out core *.s *.o ERRS errs .,* .emacs_[0-9]*
--- 85,93 ----
# this target
install: detex
rm -f ${DESTDIR}/detex
! install -c -m 775 -s detex ${DESTDIR}
! rm -f ${DESTDIR}/delatex
! ln ${DESTDIR}/detex ${DESTDIR}/delatex
-rm -f a.out core *.s *.o ERRS errs .,* .emacs_[0-9]*
Common subdirectories: detex-2.7/os2 and detex-2.7.patched/os2
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