[OS X TeX] installing t1-fonts
mahakk at das-dock.de
Thu Jun 27 02:44:53 EDT 2002
hi there,
i'm new to this list, quite new to tex also, so please apologize
if this has been covered before - i searched the web and
couldn't find anything regarding this subject or if i did, it
didn't work as expected...
ok, i want to install t1-fonts to use
i understand that i need this to have tex hyphenate words with
umlauts (äüö).
now, i downloaded some fonts from ctan's ftp-server and placed
all the files in a mirror of the texmf-tree in my home
directory. it now looks like this:
~/library/texmf/dvips/cm-super/*.map, *.enc, others
but tex doesn't seem to now about these fonts, as i still see
jagged fonts in the pdf-output. is there a config-file i need to
edit? something i missed during installation? am i using the
wrong fonts?
any help highly appreciated.
thanx in advance and "hi" to the list.
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