[OS X TeX] font appearance
Chip Brock
brock at pa.msu.edu
Mon Jun 17 18:22:24 EDT 2002
thanks...these aren't slides. That's still powerpoint. These are lecture
notes for reading offline and printing. So, there's intentionally lots of
information. I'm just surprised at the ugliness of the rendering.
On 6/17/02 6:18 PM, "Ross Moore" <ross at ics.mq.edu.au> wrote:
>> Hi
>> I've been toying with a big project...writing out lecture notes for a pretty
>> content-full course (700powerpoint slides). So, naturally I think of
>> TeXshop, but now with a critical eye on appearance and readability on the
>> screen. I've decided that while Computer Modern is really attractive on
>> paper, it's not so on the screen as rendered in pdf and wonder if anyone has
>> any suggestions? Any suggestions with URL's to visit would really be
>> appreciated!
> Try these:
> http://www.tug.org/tug2001/bulletin/slides.html
> http://www.tug.org/tug2001/presentations/rossI/rossIslides.pdf
>> If you promise not to read too carefully, I've spent an hour making a bit of
>> rambling text to get a sense for myself...regular old HTML looks better, but
>> of course no math or the printing attractiveness. My working control file is
>> pasted below...again, a working file and messy with commented out lines.
>> http://www.pa.msu.edu/~brock/isp213/isp211_1.pdf
> This has much too much information on each page.
> The font-size needs to be at least twice the size.
> Hope this helps,
> Ross Moore
>> Thanks...
>> Ray
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Raymond Brock * Professor of Physics
Department of Physics and Astronomy
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