[OS X TeX] installing t1-fonts

Bruno Voisin Bruno.Voisin at hmg.inpg.fr
Thu Jun 27 06:57:16 EDT 2002

Le jeudi 27 juin 2002, à 12:07 , mahakk a écrit :

> did you try "\oldstylenums{1}" and the above lines were written to the
> console?

No, I looked though files in the directory 
/Library/teTeX/share/texmf/tex/latex/base, that's were LaTeX, as defined 
in LaTeX: a Document Preparation System (i.e. the LaTeX manual), lives. 
latex.ltx defines the LaTeX format, fonttext.ltx and fontmath.ltx, and 
the various files they call, define the font used, article.cls, 
report.cls and book.cls define some standard document classes, in turn 
they call size10.clo etc.

The above lines were the definition of the command \oldstylenums, for 
attempting to identify which font is used by it.

> one of these snippets is "oldstylenums". it's just one line to see how 
> they
> look.
> do you get antialiased oldstyle numbers in pdf?

Yes, when typing \oldstylenums{123} I get antialiased oldstyle numbers 
in the PDF file.

> i don't get this one. what should i try?
>     \usepackage{textcomp}
>     \usepackage{tcrm}
> ???
> what's "textcomp" supposed to do?

You should try:





This instructs LaTeX to take a few mathematical and diacritical symbols 
>from the Text Companion fonts, like tcrm etc., designed to accompany the 
T1-encoded EC text fonts chosen by \usepackage[T1]{fontenc}, like ecrm 
etc.; this, instead of using the OT1-encoded Computer Modern fonts cmr, 
cmmi, etc. upon which LaTeX was originally built.

(T1 encoding means 8-bit fonts, with individually accented characters 
included, while OT1 encoding means 7-bit fonts, without individually 
accented characters. Switching from OT1 to T1 is the reason why the 
T1-encoded EC fonts were created to replace the original OT1-encoded CM 
fonts. teTeX includes PostScript versions of CM fonts, and - to 
simplify - bitmap versions of EC fonts. The cm-super fonts are in 
essence PostScript versions of EC fonts, that's why you have to add them 
to the standard teTeX setup. \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} switches to using 
T1-encoding, instead of the default OT1-encoding.)

> hm, is it possible to have ALL numbers appear as oldstyle numbers 
> (headers,
> footers, pagenumbers included)? sort of like switching the behaviour 
> (thus
> only having to specify when "normal" numbers should be used)...

Yeah, I use some fluid mechanics books like this, from the 60s-70s, they 
have all numbers oldstyle and all vectors boldface, not boldface-italic. 
Not very logical, but very beautiful and well-balanced to the eye!

I think it must be possible to achieve what you need, but this would 
probably involve modifying the math alphabet "letters" defined in 
fontmath.ltx, or creating a new one. This is a matter I would only leave 
to LaTeX experts.

There is a package oldstyle on CTAN (for example ftp://ftp.tex.ac.uk), 
in tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/other/oldstyle/, it doesn't do quite 
what you need but might be helpful.

Bruno Voisin

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