Feature suggestion, bug report -Re: [OS X TeX] Equation Service

Hanspeter Schaub HanspeterSchaub at mac.com
Fri Mar 22 09:07:37 EST 2002

I really like Equation Service.  It could become the Equation Editor of 
choice for LaTeX users.  In particular, I just tried importing equation pdf 
files that Equation Service generates into Freehand 9 (classic version, don'
t have the carbon version 10 yet).   During the import, it complains that 
it find the various CMMxx fonts.  I then replace them with Times 
equivalents (plain, italic, bold-italic) and the output looks ok.  What 
would be great though is if Equation Service could supply the required font 
information in the pdf file itself?  Is this possible?  I thought that 
ghostscript can now include the required fonts when converting from ps to 
pdf?  Anyway, it this were possible, then I could use Equation Service to 
include equation labels that match my typeset equations precisely.  Using 
the MS Mathtype right now, the equations in my figures never look as good 
as the ones in the text.


Hanspeter Schaub

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