[OS X TeX] TeXShop feature requests (was: TeXShop 1.16)

Matthias Damm m.damm at web.de
Sat Mar 2 14:05:22 EST 2002

> TeXShop 1.16 is now available at

Thank you very much, especially for fixing the "empty pdf window" bug.
TeXshop is still getting better and better...

However there are still a couple of suggestions I would like to make:

- It is not possible to use bibtopic.sty with TeShop easily.

bibtopic.sty does not use the filename.bbl file but filename1.bbl,
filename2.bbl etc. to generate the different bibliographies.
TeShop just starts bibtex with filename.bbl, which is not found, of course.
I am able to bibtex these documents by starting bibtex manually in the
terminal, but of course I would prefer TeXShop to do this.

The most elegant way imho was if TeXShop would listen to the following
output from bibtopic.sty:

Package bibtopic Warning: Please (re)run BibTeX on the file(s):
(bibtopic)                filename1
(bibtopic)                filename2
(bibtopic)                and after that rerun LaTeX.

It would help as well however if one could specify the files to bibtex with
a document manually in TeXShop (this information could be stored in the
.texshop file).

- It's great that one can use an external editor now, but I would like to
use an external pdf viewer as well.
I am using hyperref, and unfortunately TeXShop's pdf viewer can neither
display nor use the links generated by hyperref, so I would like to use
Acrobat Reader instead.

- After using several files which belong to the same tex project, you
usually have a lot of "maindocument console" and maindocument.pdf windows
open. I would prefer TeXShop to close older versions of these windows, so
that you always have only one console and one .pdf open at one time.

- I don't know if this is possible, but a terrific feature was if the
spellchecker would use the language specified with \selectlanguage (even if
more than one language is used in a document).

Well, that's all for the moment...

Thanks to all people involved for developing this fantastic application!

Best regards,
Matthias Damm <m.damm at web.de>
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