[OS X TeX] need help: side numbers
christoph.lehmann at unifr.ch
christoph.lehmann at unifr.ch
Mon Mar 4 14:13:00 EST 2002
I need immediate help (have to publish something). with the following
\usepackage[nofiglist, notablist, nomarkers]{endfloat} %move all figures
and table to the end of the document
\usepackage[left=3cm, right=2cm]{geometry} %page setup
\usepackage{dcolumn} %for tables which align numbers with respect to the
decimal positions
\usepackage{graphicx} %extended version of the package graphics
\usepackage{nature} %to have the references in the reference-list
numbered without []
I have the problem, that the side numbers at the end of the document are
not always at the same height. what can I do to have them always at the
same position?
thanks a lot
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