dumping special formats (was Re: [OS X TeX] Language.dat)

ccr-mactex at creutzig.de ccr-mactex at creutzig.de
Mon Sep 2 11:48:18 EDT 2002

"Josep M. Font" <font at mat.ub.es> writes:

> 1.2 Can I \dump my own format files (especialized LaTeXs with several
> packages incorporated? Should I just compile them and save them as
> .fmt files in some directory? Which one?

 Sure you can.  This is how I do it:

% projecthead.tex, used for LaTeX, pdfLaTeX, and for LaTeX used inside metapost


% As usual, I put almost everything into a local .sty file.
\hyphenation{PGP-keys Stan-dard-ein-ga-be Datei-na-men
  Stan-dard-ein-stel-lun-gen Menü-be-fehl}


% project.tex, the actual tex file.  This file has to *start* with
%the next line:

% \makeindex opens a file, so it can't be \dump{}ed.


# Makefile

.PRECIOUS: project.efmt pdfproject.efmt project.dvi

# start with your main file
TEXFILES=project.tex chapter1.tex chapter2.tex

default: project.pdf

project.pdf: $(TEXFILES) pdfproject.efmt
	echo 'LaTeX Warning: Label(s) may have changed. Rerun to get cross-references right.' >project.log
        while grep -q 'LaTeX Warning: Label(s) may have changed. Rerun to get cross-references right.' project.log; do \
	env pool_size=200000 buf_size=150000 extra_mem_top=1100000 \
	  pdfevirtex -progname=pdfelatex -efmt=pdfproject $<; \

project.dvi: $(TEXFILES) project.efmt
	echo 'LaTeX Warning: Label(s) may have changed. Rerun to get cross-references right.' >project.log
        while grep -q 'LaTeX Warning: Label(s) may have changed. Rerun to get cross-references right.' project.log; do \
	env pool_size=200000 buf_size=150000 extra_mem_top=1100000 \
	  evirtex -progname=elatex -efmt=project $<; \

project.ps: project.dvi
	dvips $< -o $@

pdfproject.efmt: projecthead.tex project.sty
	env pool_size=200000 pdfeinitex \&pdfelatex $<
	mv projecthead.efmt $@

project.efmt: projecthead.tex project.sty
	env pool_size=200000 einitex \&elatex $<
	mv projecthead.efmt $@


 Yes, this is advanced Unix usage.  Yes, I know my Makefile has a
concurrency problem if you try to build the format files for pdf and
dvi at the same time -- but I never had any reason to do so.  And
yes, I have quite a bit of practice with Makefiles. :-)

 In the end, it boils down to "edit whatever you want, call 'make'
once and you should get a completely redone pdf file with the least
work possible."  Just remember to put the .tex files in there
correctly and everything that your projecthead.tex depends on.

   |+-|+            Christopher Creutzig (ccr at mupad.de)
   +--+                     Tel.: 05251-60-5525

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