[OS X TeX] texshop wishlist

Bruno Voisin bvoisin at mac.com
Wed Apr 14 08:20:30 EDT 2004

Le 14 avr. 04, à 13:14, Themis Matsoukas a écrit :

> In document styles such as book, the printed page number and the 
> number of the physical page are usually not the same because of 
> separate numbering of the front matter. As a result, when I want to 
> print page 36 of the document I must actually select physical page 52 
> in the print window yet name the output file "page 36". That's 
> confusing.

Maybe it would be convenient to have in TeXShop the same kind of 
"behaviour" as in Textures or OzTeX, for example: the page number is 
displayed somewhere in the preview window in the form "pp/[ll] of tt", 
where pp is the physical page number (starting from 1 at the beginning 
of the document), ll the logical page number (the number actually 
printed on the page) and tt the total number of pages.

In OzTeX the number is displayed in this form in the title bar (for 
roman numbers the logical page number is negative, counting backwards 
from the logical page one). In Textures it was originally displayed in 
the same way (for roman numbers the logical page number is positive, 
starting from 1 at roman page number 1 and from 1 again at arabic page 
number 1), and then it was changed to "pp of tt [ll]" and moved to a 
small box at the left of the horizontal scroll bar.

In TeXShop the page number is selected via two editable boxes in the 
toolbar, "Page ?? of ??". I've often wondered why the second box is 
editable, given the total number of pages is something that can't be 
changed, or did I misunderstand something?


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