[OS X TeX] Request from newbie
Dewey Dykstra
ddykstra at mac.com
Wed Dec 8 21:12:27 EST 2004
Thanks for the advice. I am slowly learning the details. I did use
the i-installer to install everything. When I follow your suggestion
to look for path names (My first use of Terminal, by the way.) I do see
paths, so as you say, they are there.
So I still have a problem...
If I look carefully in the console when the document file is typeset, I
see evidence that the graphics.sty file is apparently loaded and an
epsf.tex file is run(?) also.
My problem is that when the figure is called, I get an "Unknown
graphics extension: .eps error" message.
Near the beginning of my file I have the instruction:
Furthermore, the sample file from APS when I try to typeset it does the
same thing at the call for the .eps figure..
I thought something was missing, but I see now it is not, but this
leaves me with no explanation and no idea what to do to make it work.
I hope you can help. Any suggestions?
On 08 Dec 2004, at 5:36 PM, Maarten Sneep wrote:
> On 9 dec 2004, at 1:24, Dewey Dykstra wrote:
>> I am trying to get an implementation up and running. I believe that
>> for the flavor of TeX I need to use (revtex4--American Physical
>> Society), I need to have graphics.sty and graphicx.sty installed on
>> my machine. I have found the corresponding .dtx files, from which I
>> believe the .sty files can be extracted, but I do not know how to do
>> the extraction.
> The most important thing is left out of this message, but since you
> mention TeXShop, I assume you followed the installation instructions
> available from the TeXShop website, that is: you used the i-Installer
> to install the TeX engine.
> If that is the case: you don't have to do anything: the graphics
> bundle (which includes both graphics.sty and graphicx.sty) is always
> installed (otherwise it would not be LaTeX, it is a base requirement)
> and the current teTeX comes with revtex4 installed - and is therefore
> already installed.
> To find out if a file is installed already, run "kpsewhich
> graphics.sty" in a terminal window (without the quotes). If the file
> can be found, the full path will be returned, otherwise nothing is
> returned. The extraction of class and style files from documented
> source files (.dtx files) isn't really hard, but not needed in the
> examples you give here. Usually a .ins file is included in the full
> package, and when tex is run on this file, the extraction should take
> place automagically. Be very sure though that the package isn't
> installed already.
> Maarten
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> TeX FAQ: http://www.tex.ac.uk/faq
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Dewey I. Dykstra, Jr., Ph. D. Phone: (208)426-3105
Professor of Physics Dept: (208)426-3775
Department of Physics/MCF418 Fax: (208)426-4330
Boise State University ddykstra at boisestate.edu
1910 University Drive Boise Highlanders
Boise, ID 83725-1570 novice piper: GHB, Uilleann
"a physics major has to be trained to use today's physics whereas
a physics teacher has to be trained to see a development of physical
theories in his students' minds." -- Hans Niedderer in
"International Conference on Physics Teachers' Education Proceedings"
Dortmund: University of Dortmund, p. 151, 1992.
"It is, in fact, nothing short of a miracle that the modern methods of
instruction have not yet entirely strangled the holy curiosity of
for this delicate little plant, aside from stimulation, stands mainly
in need
of freedom; without this the plant goes to wreck and ruin without
fail." --A.
Einstein in "Autobiographical Notes," 1949.
"Now there are two theorems that form together the cardinal hinge on
which the whole structure of physical science turns. These theorems
"Where Is Science Going?," 1932. (EMPHASIS in the original)
"As a result of modern research in physics, the ambition and hope,
still cherished by most authorities of the last century, that physical
science could offer a photographic picture and true image of reality
had to be abandoned." --M. Jammer in "Concepts of Force," 1957.
"If what we regard as real depends on our theory, how can we make
reality the basis of our philosophy? ...But we cannot distinguish
what is real about the universe without a theory...it makes no sense
to ask if it corresponds to reality, because we do not know what
reality is independent of a theory."--S. Hawking in "Black Holes
and Baby Universes" 1993.
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