TeX Design Possibilities (was Re: [OS X TeX] ... the faint of heart)

Alain Schremmer Schremmer.Alain at verizon.net
Wed May 5 19:27:07 EDT 2004

The emphasis almost /everywhere/ is about all that TeX can do.

It is the wrong emphasis for someone who already had his/her own reasons 
to want to get out from under MS Word and who, otherwise, wouln't be 
reading the stuff.

There are very fewpeople out there who are completely satisfied with MS 
Word and who need to be attracted to something else.

Once again, once they are started, once they can do TeX as well as they 
could do MS Word, /then/ , an only /then/ will be the time to extoll the 
infinite beauties made possible by TeX.


William F. Adams wrote:

> I typed this up for a salesperson here at work the other week ---  
> thought it might help put things into perspective here.
> William
> <SNIP>
>  - TeX can use _any_ font --- I worked up a method for using even Mac  
> OS X / AAT .dfont fonts in it, see:
> http://members.aol.com/willadams/portfolio/typography
> esp.
> (Zapfino)
> http://members.aol.com/willadams/portfolio/typography/peace_on_earth.pdf
> and
> http://members.aol.com/willadams/portfolio/typography/peaceonearth.pdf
> cf.
> http://www.tug.org/tug2003/donate/
> and the link to:
> http://www.tug.org/tug2003/donate/texharvest.pdf
> That last also makes use of a Pantone spot colour for the silver  
> watermark text on the bottom left.
> (Monotype Octavian)
> http://members.aol.com/willadams/portfolio/typography/thebookoftea.pdf
> (Adobe Garamond)
> http://members.aol.com/willadams/portfolio/typography/onetype.pdf
> http://members.aol.com/willadams/portfolio/typography/onetype-sheet.pdf
> Most of those are in the TeX showcase which is available at:
> http://www.tug.org/texshowcase
> Other fonts used in the samples already provided include Times (most 
> of  the books, along w/ MathTime), Myriad Multiple Master (Sandefur), 
> Gill  Sans (Kaplan), Frutiger (Jain) and Officina Sans (Wickert).
> I have a page specifically on free texts for TeX:
> http://members.aol.com/willadams/books-e-tex.html
> which lists the Memoir manual which is at:
> http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/supported/memoir/ 
> memman.pdf
> Another excellent text cited there is
> http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/info/Type1fonts/ 
> fontinstallationguide.pdf
> Philipp Lehman's Font Installation Tutorial.
> The bottom line is TeX is a Turing-complete programming system for  
> typesetting and the only limits to it are human ingenuity and  
> processing time / power one's ability to make said resources 
> available  to it.
> <SNIP>
> I've done silk-screening, handset a little metal type, carved wooden  
> blocks, laid out pages with everything from Microsoft Word to  
> CorelDRAW, PageMaker, Quark XPress, Frame/Adobe FrameMaker, Altsys  
> Virtuoso / Macromedia FreeHand, Adobe Illustrator, Stone Design's  
> Create, and even Adobe InDesign.
> InDesign is the first program to approach TeX's capabilities in a  
> reasonable fashion, but it lacks long document and math capabilities,  
> and isn't scriptable / suited for batch pagination. It's also quite  
> new, and wasn't available for much of the time I've been doing layout  
> and design. I also hate the user interface, too Quark /  
> Illustrator-like.
> William

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