font management simplified (was Re: [OS X TeX] Trump Mediaeval fonts_

Bruno Voisin bvoisin at
Mon Oct 4 03:06:38 EDT 2004

Le 4 oct. 04, à 08:52, Scott Murman a écrit :

> last time i checked there were a small handful of math fonts - the 
> original, euler, mathpazo, and now fourier-gut.  the last 3 mostly 
> work, but do not work in general situations, and the quality is not 
> exceptional.   this leaves the original math font being used in 99.9% 
> of the cases, which is one (probably large) reason why most people 
> never venture beyond CM.   if i wanted to use Hoefler, Skia, or, ...., 
> i'd have a hard time finding a math font which matched.

I'm using Lucida, which matches most text fonts much better (in terms 
of weight) than CM. It's a nice and extensive set; for example, it 
contains bold math italic which is needed (for vector -- implying bold 
-- variables -- implying italic --) for the journals I submit papers 
to. However, it's not free.

Bruno Voisin
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