[OS X TeX] pstricks in xetex

Michael Gedalin gedalin at bgumail.bgu.ac.il
Wed Oct 13 01:02:49 EDT 2004

First, thanks to Jonathan for fixing \write18 in less than a couple of 
hours !
The following produced and included pstricks graphics for me:

%%%%%%%%%  start file


\input input.temp

\write18{./pstoxetex fi1}

%%%%%%% end file

(partly taken from pdftricks)
where the shell script pstoxetex looks like that

#! /bin/bash
latex $1.tex
dvips -o $1.ps $1.dvi
ps2eps -f $1.ps
epstopdf $1.eps
rm $1.dvi $1.ps $1.eps $1.log $1.aux

The idea is to write a separate file for each inclusion, process it 
outside xetex, convert to pdf, and eventually include as usual. So far 
I failed to put all the needed stuff in a separate .sty.

* Michael Gedalin
* Department of Physics
* Ben-Gurion University
* 84105 Beer-Sheva, Israel
* tel: 972-8-6461645
* fax: 972-8-6472904
* email: gedalin at bgumail.bgu.ac.il
* http://burster.bgu.ac.il/~gedalin

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