[OS X TeX] PDF from LaTeX and Adobe Illustrator

Peter Dyballa Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE
Thu Jun 30 10:50:59 EDT 2005

Am 30.06.2005 um 16:31 schrieb Pierre Chatelier:

> pdflatex cannot do that ?

Yes, pdfTeX can do that too! But you too need to help pdfTeX achieve 

First you need to have the PostScript font versions of the old METAFONT 
Second you need to make these PostScript fonts used by pdfTeX.

Goal No.1 is mostly satisfied by installing teTeX with i-Installer. 
Could be some fonts are missing, but this will show up for example in 
the log file.

Goal No.2 is a bit more complicated since you have to descend to the 
command line, for example in Terminal, and invoke the utility programme 
'updmap' up to a few times with 'super user privileges!' updmap builds 
MAP files from MAP file fragments for the 'drivers' dvips and dvipdfm 
and for pdfTeX too. These MAP files tell the programmes to use for a 
specific TeX font a PostScript or a TrueType font. Both are vector 
based, while the usual TeX fonts are described be the METAFONT language 
and then when needed rendered to bitmaps at a given resolution and 
size. These bitmaps are then 'packed' (a simple run-length compression) 
into PK files to save some disk space.

We could start by invoking 'updmap --listmaps' on the command line ... 
This will tell all the known MAP file fragment files now used and 
included into the one MAP file plus those that are waiting for being 
added to the chosen few.

Mit friedvollen Grüßen
    Pete      o        __o         |__    o           recumbo
     ___o    /I       -\<,         |o \  -\),-%       ergo sum!
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